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  • Writer's pictureMade by Laina H.

Knight Slime

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Meant for school-aged kids, this fun sensory activity allows kids to get messy as they create knight slime! With just a few ingredients and easy steps, this activity provides a chance for kids to work on motor skills such as mixing and pouring ingredients. This fun project also requires minimal supervision and provides hours of fun to come!

You will need:

● Contact solution

● Gold and black paint

● Clear glue

● Baking soda

● Silver glitter

● 2 bowls

● Spoon


Begin with gathering the materials for your Knight in Shining Armor slime!

Take your bottle of clear glue and divide it equally into your two bowls. Pour a few drops of black paint into one bowl and stir it with your spoon. Set the other bowl aside.

Now pour, half a teaspoon of baking soda into the bowl with black paint and mix it slowly! Then pour 3-4 drops of saline contact solution into the bowl and mix it in.

Helpful tip: Stir in a little bit of baking soda at a time instead of pouring it all in. Make sure you can’t see any white spots of baking soda!

With your hands, mix around the black putty until it is stretchy but not sticky! Now set this aside!

Helpful tip: If the slime seems too tough or hard to stretch, add a little more clear glue!

Time to grab the bowl you set aside before with just clear glue in it! Pour some gold paint in and mix it in (you should use more paint than you used with the black). Then slowly add your half teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of contact solution!

Mix it well with a spoon and then your hands until it is stretchy.

Next, we will combine the slime! Roll your gold slime into a snake-shape and set it to the side. Do the same thing with the black slime and then, using both colors twist them together!

Now add silver sparkles, just like a Knight’s armor! Mix them in well.

Time to mix it all together, use your hands to knead (mix) the slime and sparkles together until you have a sparkly silver color!

Helpful tip: dip your hands in water before kneading it to make the slime stretchier by adding moisture!

You are done with your Knight slime! Feel free to store it in an airtight container to make it last longer for more fun play!

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